
Monday, 14 May 2012

What is Alfresco? In short and simple words.- For novices..

Alfresco is an open source enterprise content management system. That means, Alfresco can be used to manage the content in an enterprise. Lets try and understand Alfresco in simple language.

Suppose there is an enterprise named “xyz”. It has many branches in many cities across the globe. The Director of the company wants to share a document with everyone in the sales department. One way to do this is to mail the document to every single person in the sales department. Better and simpler way would be to upload the document in a central repository such that every person in the sales department can access that repository through a login id and password. Alfresco provides this central repository where one can upload his/her document and make it available to his/her colleagues.

Basically in Alfresco there are spaces called sites. Lets say we create a site in Alfresco named “sales”. We can add as many members to this site as we want. We can add all the people in the sales department in this site. Every site has a document library. One can upload any document in that site. Once a document is uploaded in a site, everyone in that site will get a mail that a document has been uploaded in “sales” site by “abc”. Now everyone in the sales site would be able to view that document. This has made our work a lot easier.

Apart from this there are lots and lots of features that Alfresco provides. Above feature was just a minute example.

Alfresco is totally built on JAVA. So that also makes it special because it inherits the features of JAVA

More on Alfresco? You can always search it on the internet..;)

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